Wednesday, May 4, 2011

RoBook Scanner Software (Beta Release)

The initial effort to informally published a RoBook Scanner software engineering program will just tackle minimal infos.The purpose of this techno blog is a sort of an article for a reader to gain an idea.Idea that really means "pinoy can do it" ,due to some confidentiality of the project ,it is less expected to pull out the whole detail ; yet its explanations therein would be sufficient enough to deal what RoBook Scanner is all about.

The Author is hoping that in a given time 'if given an authority for publishing such systematic idea without hesitant it will be blogged with full detail -clearly and free to the public.But this time as the date of writings just simple documentation is sufficient to depict the contents of this article.

In some ways, this could be another fruitful sharing of thoughts for all of us-I wish that.

Hmmmn, anyway, the software now has done almost its features and the test is how can it be ported to different Linux flavour.So here is what I did for the software package installer .

Need to assure these are available or installed in your OS
deb helper

Compile a package installer
1) In Fedora
2) In CentOS
3) In debian/Ubunto


Detail(0) At last..RoBook Scanner Software (Beta )

Detail(1)Package information


Detail(3)Target distributions

Detail(4)Package group

Detail(5)Destination directory

Detail(6)Creating the package

Detail(7)A bundle of installer ready for deployment



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